Two days ago, my other precious female, Sister, had her second litter of puppies..the cutiest (notice I say that word littlest chihuahua puppies..These are all white with black spots and black masks and are only about 3 1/2" long....The mommy and babies are doing well..I must say that it is a little noisy in our home with three litters of puppies, but it makes life happy and interesting...My husband was worried about the 'empty nest syndrome' when our 5 kids grew up and out of the home, but puppies have taken care of it keeps him busy, as I am always painting, creating or off to 'work'...
Is everyone else, as tired and 'over' winter and this cold weather, as I am? It's about 10 degrees this morning and snowing lightly....the older I get, the more I really dislike cold weather..I think more than anything, I am tired of the LP gas bills..It is on my 'list' to find a more cost effective way to heat our home in the winter..With my husband losing his job a year ago now, and unable to find another one in this economy, the large gas bills are hard...but I thank God that I found a wonderful job and are making ends meet..We have learned that we really don't need alot to live on and have gone back to a simplier way of life..It's alot less pressure and we find the time to enjoy life..which, in a way, is a real blessing...So, until next time..I'll be creating and painting and of course, having more puppies..and waiting until spring and warmer weather..Blessings to you all....